Rasmus Bregnhøi
Rasmus Bregnhøi was born in Langerød (Fredensborg) in 1965. He studied at Danmarks Designskole in Copenhagen. Since graduating in 1992, he has worked as a painter, author, and illustrator and has written and/or illustrated over a hundred children’s books.
He became known in Germany through the comic series »Mira«, for which Sabine Lemire writes the texts and whose heroine is no longer a child, but also not yet a teenager. In the first volume »Mira. #venner #forelsket #etårimitliv« (tr: Mira #friends #in love #a year of my life), Mira’s best friend Karla founds a club of lovers. Mira cannot join because she has never been in love – unlike her mother, who is constantly falling in love. The volume was nominated in the children’s books category for the German Youth Literature Award 2019. The selection jury stated that »In this comic, Sabine Lemire and Rasmus Bregnhøi have humorously portrayed the feelings of Mira and her friends in the transitional year from adolescent to teenager«, and further praised the »witty image design«: »Original, in addition to the panels and the large-scale diary pages, are the drawn Instagram pictures of Mira.« In »Mira. #husbåd #far #kærlighed« (2018; tr: Mira #houseboat #dad #love), Mira’s mother has found a steady boyfriend. Together they all move into a houseboat. Mira gets to know her biological father – and not only him, but also his wife and her little stepbrother. While reviewing the book, Deutschlandfunk Kultur praised »Rasmus Bregnhøi’s splendidly cheeky illustrations. His very simply drawn figures make the book unmistakable: big heads, small bodies with googly-round eyes – perfect. Nothing superfluous is to be found here – and yet everything is there. Every facial expression, every mood, every posture. Against the colourfully painted background, they form the big picture, carry the story forward.« In »Mira. #kreaklubben #familie #kys« (2019; tr: Mira #art #family #kiss), Mira starts an art project together with her best friends, and many things begin to change, not only Mira’s body: boys become more interesting, Mira’s mother even more embarrassing, and things with her father’s family more complicated. Most recently published is the volume »Mira. #rejse #Paris #savn« (2020; tr: Mira #family #Paris #farewell), in which Mira plans a trip to Paris with her grandmother. But things turn out differently than expected …
Rasmus Bregnhøi has received numerous awards and grants, and his artistic works have been shown at international exhibitions, including in Tokyo, Moscow, and New York. He lives in Copenhagen.
Mira #freunde #verliebt #einjahrmeineslebens
[Text: Sabine Lemire]
Klett Kinderbuch
Leipzig, 2018
[Ü: Franziska Gehm]
Mira #freunde #papa #wasfüreinsommer
[Text: Sabine Lemire]
Klett Kinderbuch
Leipzig, 2019
[Ü: Franziska Gehm]
Mira #kuss #kunst #familie
[Text: Sabine Lemire]
Klett Kinderbuch
Leipzig, 2020
[Ü: Franziska Gehm]
Mira #familie #paris #abschied
[Text: Sabine Lemire]
Klett Kinderbuch
Leipzig, 2021
[Ü: Franziska Gehm]