Clémentine Beauvais
- France
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2019
Clémentine Beauvais was born in Paris in 1989. By the age of ten, she had already sent her first manuscript to Parisian publishers, but without success. At the age of 17 she moved to Great Britain, where she still lives today. She studied in Cambridge and received her doctorate in children’s literature. Since the age of 21, she has published novels for children, adolescents and young adults, including her lastest novel »Brexit Romance« (2018). Beauvais writes in both French and English.
In 2010, her short story »Lʼétrange cas des deux amours de Jean-Baptiste Robert« (tr: The Strange Case of the Two Loves of Jean-Baptiste Robert) won the Prix du jeune écrivain. In the same year, her first children’s books were published. Beauvais has written two children’s book series, the »Sesame Seade« mysteries (2013–2014) and »The Royal Babysitters« (2015–2016) about two girls who hire themselves out as babysitters for the prince at the English royal court. In her young adult novel »La pouilleuse« (2012; tr. The lousy girl), Beauvais tells the story of a group of young people from good homes who occasionally skip school. One day they meet a little black and apparently louse-ridden girl, whom they simply take home with them to wash. Ultimately, the situation shifts, and the girl becomes a helpless victim on whom the boys take out their hatred and arrogance. »This book reveals how people become perpetrators and is thus a deeply disturbing book, but also one that touches on the humanity, empathy, and love for others in every reader« (»DIE ZEIT«). »Les pétites reines« (2015; Eng. »Piglettes«, 2017), which earned Beauvais several literary awards, tells the story of three girls who are awarded the Gold, Silver and Bronze trotters by their classmates on Facebook on account of their ugliness. But the three of them do not let themselves be discouraged and are plan a bicycle tour to Paris, where they want to celebrate the French national holiday at the Élysée Palace. They already have an idea for how to finance this plan: they want to sell sausages along the way. The book is currently being turned into a film and has been turned into a successful play, touring France for two years.
Beauvais, whose books have been translated into more than fifteen languages, is a member of The Charter of Authors and Illustrators Youth, which aims to protect children’s authors and promote children’s literature. She also works as a literary translator and as a university lecturer, researching and teaching English in education at the University of York since 2016. The author lives in York.
Sunny Spyce, die grandios-geniale Geheimnis-Aufdeckerin
Sunny Spyce, die ausgebuffte Allem-auf-die-Spur-Kommerin
Sunny Spyce, die kolossal kluge Rätsel-Knackerin
[Ill.: Sarah Horne]
Bamberg, 2014/2015
[Ü: Anke Knefel]
Das Babysitter-Chaos
Das Hochzeits-Chaos
Das Kuchen-Chaos
Reinbek, 2016/2017
[Ü: Rusalka Reh]
Die Königinnen der Würstchen
Hamburg, 2015
[Ü: Annette von der Weppen]
Hamburg, 2016
[Ü: Annette von der Weppen]
Samiha et les fantômes
[Ill.: Sylvie Serprix]
Talents Hauts
Vincennes, 2010
Les Petites Filles top-modèles
[Ill.: Vivilablonde]
Talents Hauts
Vincennes, 2010
La Plume de Marie
[Ill.: Anaïs Bernabé]
Talents Hauts
Vincennes, 2011
La Louve
[Ill.: Antoine Déprez]
Alice Jeunesse
Brüssel, 2014
Sunny Spyce, die grandios-geniale Geheimnis-Aufdeckerin
[Ill.: Sarah Horne]
Bamberg, 2014
[Ü: Anke Knefel]
Sunny Spyce, die ausgebuffte Allem-auf-die-Spur-Kommerin
[Ill.: Sarah Horne]
Bamberg, 2014
[Ü: Anke Knefel]
Sunny Spyce, die kolossal kluge Rätsel-Knackerin
[Ill.: Sarah Horne]
Bamberg, 2015
[Ü: Anke Knefel]
CarambolʼAnge: Lʼaffaire Mamie Paulette
[Ill.: Eglantine Ceulemans]
Paris, 2015
Lettres de mon hélicoptêtre
[Ill.: Anne Rouquette]
Paris, 2015
Va jouer avec le petit garçon!
[Ill.: Maisie Paradise Shearring]
Paris, 2016
Das Babysitter-Chaos
Reinbek, 2016
[Ü: Rusalka Reh]
Das Hochzeits-Chaos
[Ill.: Becka Moor]
Reinbek, 2016
[Ü: Rusalka Reh]
Das Kuchen-Chaos
[Ill.: Becka Moor]
Reinbek, 2017
[Ü: Rusalka Reh]
Die Königinnen der Würstchen
Hamburg, 2015
[Ü: Annette von der Weppen]
Hamburg, 2016
[Ü: Annette von der Weppen]
Brexit Romance
Paris, 2018