Anabel Hernández
- Mexico
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2022
born in Mexico City in 1971, is a leading investigative journalist in Mexico. With a career of 30 years, during the last 22 years has been focused in investigating the drug trafficking cartels in Mexico, principally Sinaloa Cartel; the corruption, violations of human rights, forced disappearance and abuse of power of the mexican government. As a result of her works as a research journalist Hernandez, her family and sources received a documented series of death attacks, and acts of intimidation. Hernández has received numerous awards for her courageous work, including being named a »Hero of Freedom of the Press« by Reporters Without Borders in 2014. She lives in Europe.
Date: 2022
Los señores del narco
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial México
Mexiko-Stadt, 2010
La Verdadera Noche de Iguala
Grijalbo Mondadori
Mexiko, 2016
El Traidor
Grijalbo Mondadori
Mexiko, 2019
Emma y las otras señoras del narco
Grijalbo Mondadori
Mexiko, 2022