Götz Aly
- Germany
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2021
born in Heidelberg in 1947, is a historian and journalist. He has worked for the »taz« and the »Berliner Zeitung« and has lectured as a visiting professor. He is the author of numerous books on National Socialism and anti-Semitism. He was awarded the Heinrich Mann Prize (2002), the Marion Samuel Prize (2003), the Ludwig Börne Prize (2012), and the Geschwister Scholl Prize (2018) for his study on the European history of anti-Semitism and the Holocaust, »Europe Against the Jews 1880-1945«. His most recent project »Das Prachtboot. Wie Deutsche die Kunstschätze der Südsee raubten« focuses on colonial art theft.
Volk ohne Mitte
Die Deutschen zwischen Freiheitsangst und Kollektivismus
S. Fischer
Frankfurt a. M., 2015
Europa gegen die Juden 1880–1945
S. Fischer
Frankfurt a. M., 2017
Das Prachtboot
Wie Deutsche die Kunstschätze der Südsee raubten
S. Fischer
Frankfurt a. M., 2021