Shared Trauma. A Night of Remembering

Portrait Ronya Othmann, Sasha Marianna Salzmann
Ronya Othmann © Paula Winkler,

»Speechlessness underlies language, even in the presence of text.«
– Ronya Othmann

»I walk this path, letter for letter, traversing all the broken pieces.«
– Sasha Marianna Salzmann

Dear Readers,
Nearly every day, we hear, see, or read about war, violence and hate. Often, these occurances are merely reduced to headlines and statistics that linger in our minds. Out of self-preservation, many of us frequently push aside the suffering caused by violence around the world.

On a Night of Remembering, on September 13th from 18:00 to midnight, we are providing a platform for those who have witnessed and experienced such crises at the Documentation Center for Displacement, Expulsion, Reconciliation, offering sufficient space and time to remember and express collective experiences of violence. Authors read from their texts and share their traumasfrom the genocide against the Yazidis by the terrorist organization Islamic State just ten years ago, to the systematic oppression and persecution of the Uyghurs in China, the imprisonment and torture of peaceful regime opponents in Belarus, the kidnappings by Boko Haram, and the brutal attack by Hamas on Israel on October 7, 2023.

Literature can be a means of mediating situations where speechlessness persists. Olga Bubich, Helon Habila, Ronya Othmann, Sasha Marianna Salzmann, Ofer Waldman, Tahir Hamut Izgil, and Joshua Freeman dare to confront powerlessness with their own unique languages. Along with documentary filmmaker Branwen Okpako and sociologist Karolina Wigura, they reflect on forms of writing and speaking, demonstrating ways to remember violence.

This evening is special not only in terms of content but also dramaturgy—the time is extended, and the space is in motion. The Night of Remembrance spans six hours, featuring panel discussions, readings that lead participants throughout the building, and a film discussion and screening. You are also warmly invited to gather and exchange thoughts in the foyer between the talks and readings. The bookstore »Kisch Co.« provides the appropriate reading material, and the bar of the » Kreuzberger Himmel« restaurant offers food and drinks during the event.

Writing Against Forgetting
18:00–18:45 Conversation
With Tahir Hamut Izgil, Joshua Freeman, Ronya Othmann, Sasha Marianna Salzmann, Ofer Waldman
Moderated by Shila Behjat
The event is held in German and will be translated into English simultaneously. Parts of the conversation will be in Uyghur.

Wandering Readings
19:00–20:15 Readings
With Olga Bubich, Joshua Freeman, Tahir Hamut Izgil, Ronya Othmann, Sasha Marianna Salzmann, Ofer Waldman
The event is in German and English. With readings in Uyghur.

Overcoming Speechlessness
20:45–21:45 Conversation
With Olga Bubich, Branwen Okpako, Karolina Wigura
Moderated by Shila Behjat
The event is held in English and will be translated simultaneously into German.

Branwen Okpako and Helon Habila: Return to Chibok
22:15–24:00 Film and Conversation
With Helon Habila, Branwen Okpako
Moderated by Dorothee Wenner.
The event is held in English.