Confessions and dog ears – ckecked in with Sabine Rufener

Portrait Sabine Rufener
Sabine Rufener [© privat]

We introduce the authors of the 22nd ilb – with questions about writing, reading and unfinished reading. Here Sabine Rufener confesses her love for tattered favourite paperbacks.

Confession time: Which major classic have you started… but not

I don’t think I ever quite finished »The Magic Mountain«.

The age-old question: hardback or paperback? And why?
That’s difficult. Actually, I love hardcover. It’s just nice to hold one in your hands and it gives you the feeling of high quality. On the other hand, there’s almost nothing better than a totally tattered favourite paperback that goes everywhere with you and isn’t too precious for anything.

If an unpublished book was to be discovered by an author, which author would you want that to be?
Tomi Ungerer.

The essential question: bookmarks or dog ears?
Bookmarks in any case. Dog ears hurt the book!

Which book is on your nightstand just now?
»Queenie« by Candice Carty-Williams and »Hey, Kiddo« by Jarrett J. Korsoczka.

Which is your favorite book store in the whole world?
Basel finally has a children’s and youth bookstore again: »Proviant«.

Who was your greatest discovery of the year so far? And why?
James McBride [»Saint King Kong«]. Writes stunningly sad, funny and touching.

If you were allowed to read only one book for the rest of your life, what would it be?
That would be terrible! Definitely not »The Magic Mountain«… Maybe Christian Morgenstern’s »Gallows Songs«?

Where do you prefer to write, and why?
Since I have unfortunately become unaccustomed to write by hand, my laptop must be there. Then I can write everywhere.

Do you read your own books after they’ve been published?
Only at readings. But I’m always curious to see how they’re received.

We look forward to welcoming Sabine Rufener to this years’ international literature festival berlin in September. In cleverly conceived, rapturous illustrations, her picture book »Der Wal im Garten« tells of self-confidence and agency. Further information can be found here.

Translation: Josepha Gollanek