Jule Govrin
- Germany
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2019
Jule Govrin is a philosopher; her research is situation at the interface of political theory, social philosophy, and aesthetics. She holds a PhD from the FU Berlin on the history of the theory of desire and economics. She currently works at the Philosophical Seminar at the European University of Flensburg and investigates the relationship between authenticity and authority in the political history of ideas of modernity and late modernity. She is the author of »Sex, Gott und Kapital. Houellebecqs Unterwerfung zwischen neoreaktionärer Rhetorik und postsäkularen Politiken« (2016; tr: Sex, God and Capital: Houellebecq’s Subjugation between Neoreactionary Rhetoric and Post-secular Politics) and, in addition to her academic work, is also active as a journalist, e.g. for »ZEIT Online«.
Sex, Gott und Kapital: Michel Houellebecqs »Unterwerfung« zwischen neoreaktionärer Rhetorik und postsäkularen Politiken
edition assemblage
Münster, 2016