Ewa Dutkiewicz
studied Pre- and Protohistory, Near Eastern archaeology, and Ancient Near Eastern Philology in Berlin, Lyon, and Tübingen. She wrote her dissertation on »Markings, Patterns, and Symbols of the Swabian Aurignacian«. Her research interests are the emergence and development of symbolic communication, Paleolithic art, organic artefacts, and cultural theories. She is curator of the Archäopark Vogelherd in Niederstotzingen.
Eiszeitarchäologie auf der Schwäbischen Alb. Die Fundstellen im Ach- und Lonetal und in ihrer Umgebung
[Mit Nicholas J. Conard, Michael Bolus u. Sibylle Wolf]
Tübingen Publications in Prehistory
Tübingen, 2015
Early symbolism in the Ach and the Lone valleys of southwestern Germany
[Mit Sibylle Wolf u. Nicholas J. Conard]
In: Quaternary International, 2017
Les objets en ivoire du Jura souabe
[Mit Sibylle Wolf, Harald Floss u. Nicholas J. Conard]
In: L’Anthropologie, 2018