Alex Goldfarb
- Russia
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2007
Alex Goldfarb was born in Russia in 1947. A natural scientist and regime-critic, he emigrated in 1974 to Israel and Germany, where he received his doctorate. In the ‘80s, he worked as an assistant professor at Columbia University in New York. In the ‘90s he met Alexander Litwinenko and the two became close friends. In 2000, Goldfarb accompanied the dissident and his family when they fled to England. Goldfarb currently runs the International Foundation for Civil Liberties in New York, which was founded by Boris Beresowski.
© international literature festival berlin
Making of a Dissident
New York, 1992
Tod eines Dissidenten
[mit Marina Litwinenko]
Hoffmann & Campe
Hamburg, 2007
[Ü: Violeta Topalova ]
Übersetzer: Violeta Topalova