Dr. Nora Mengel

Portrait_Nora Mengel

Nora Mengel, born in Berlin, is head of the ilbDIGITAL program and program manager. She holds a PhD in Eastern European History from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität [LMU] Munich, studied Eastern European Studies at LMU Munich and Cultural Studies at Europa-Universität Viadrina in Frankfurt [O .], Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Lomonosov State University Moscow. She gained her first professional experience in intercultural communication and political development cooperation at the Goethe Institute in Minsk [Belarus] and at the Federal Foreign Office in Moscow as well as at the Deutsch-Russisches-Forum e.V. in Berlin. After numerous research stays in Vienna and Saint Petersburg, she completed her dissertation »Biograph(i)en of the Empire« – a comparison of imperial consciousness in the Habsburg and Russian Empires at the end of the 19th century – at the Institute for European History in Mainz, for which she was awarded the Research Prize of the Institute for Personal History in 2020.