Tag: 2022

Confessions and dog ears – ckecked in with Domenico Müllensiefen

We introduce the authors of the 22nd ilb – with questions about writing, reading and unfinished reading. Here, Domenico Müllensiefen reveals which definitive masterpiece of German literature puts him to sleep. Confession time: Which major classic have you started… but not finished?Thomas Mann – »The Magic Mountain«. Perfect reading for

»Worldwide Reading« of Novels and Essays by Salman Rushdie on 29th September 2022

Ladies and gentlemen,dear friends, The assassination attempt on Salman Rushdie still has us in shock. We are hereby calling for a »Worldwide Reading« of Salman Rushdie’s works. Please see below. Many authors from all continents support the call, including Adonis, Jennifer Clement, Andrei Kurkov, Wole Soyinka, Janne Teller, Bernard-Henri Levy,