Berlin’s Latin American literary scenes are extremely lively and surprisingly diverse – new literature from Berlin is strikingly often written in Spanish or Portuguese. We have invited two of the most important voices from these literary biotopes to the joint PARATAXE & ilb presentation on May 31, at which the Berliner Literarische Aktion and the international literature festival berlin will present Berlin authors of international significance for the first time in cooperation. Brazilian poet Angélica Freitas is one of the most important voices in her country; her poetry collection “Der Uterus ist groß wie eine Faust” (German by Odile Kennel) won the Premio APAC de poesia, among others. Alan Pauls is an award-winning Argentinian writer who Roberto Bolano once described as “one of the best living writers in Latin America”. The German version of his new, as yet unpublished short story “Verästelungen” (translated by Rike Bolte) will be read by actor Matthias Scherwenikas.
An evening in German, Portuguese and Spanish with translations. The evening will be hosted by Martin Jankowski.
The event will take place at Acker Stadt Palast, Ackerstr. 169/170, 10115 Berlin.
An event byParataxeand the international literature festival berlin.