ilb Jahre: 2016

Varujan Vosganian

Varujan Vosganian was born in Craiova, Romania in 1958. He studied commerce at the Academy of Economic Studies and mathematics at the University of Bucharest, earning his doctorate in economics from the latter in 1998. He is a conservative politician, has been president of the Union of Armenians in Romania

Verena Auffermann

born in1944 in Höxter. After apprenticing as a bookseller and studying art history, she worked as a lecturer and publisher, making a name for herself as a critic in particular. Auffermann writes for »Die Zeit« and the »Süddeutsche Zeitung«. The literary anthology »Leidenschaften. 99 Autorinnen der Weltliteratur« (2009; tr. Passions.

Valerio Magrelli

Valerio Magrelli was born in 1957 in Rome, Italy, where he earned a degree in philosophy. After gaining his doctorate in French literature, he shared his extensive expertise in the language and literature of France as a lecturer at the University of Pisa. He is currently a professor in this

Uzma Aslam Khan

Uzma Aslam Khan was born in Lahore, Pakistan in 1969, and spent her childhood in Manila, Tokyo and London. When she was ten years old, her family decided to settle down in Karachi. After completing her studies in Karachi, Khan received scholarships to study in the United States, first in

Ulrike Guérot

studied politics, history and economics. She has worked with various European think tanks. In 2013, she founded the European Democracy Lab. The central idea of the Lab is to constitute Europa as Republic, based on the principle of political equality for all European citizens. Ulrike Guérot is further Head of

Tom Müller

born in1982 in Berlin, studied Romance languages and German in Tübingen, Pisa and Perugia. Müller was an open mike finalist in 2010. He has worked for Klett-Cotta and Kiepenheuer & Witsch. In 2012 he helped to relaunch – and is an editor of – Blumenbar at Aufbau Verlag, where he

Timothy Brown

is a Professor of History at Northeastern University. His research focuses on twentieth-century German and transatlantic political and cultural history, radical mass movements and the revolts of 1968, popular music and youth subcultures, and environmental politics. He is Fall Fellow of the American Academy Berlin in 2016.

Tienchi Martin-Liao

Columnist for Sampsonia Way, Pittsburgh. Grew up in Taiwan, and now lives in Cologne. After studying literature at National Taiwan University, she moved to Hamburg and later to Bochum, where she completed her master’s degree and was an instructor of Chinese literature. From 2001 to 2010 she worked in the

Tilman Vogt

born in 1983, studied political science with a focus on political theory and religion in Berlin and Paris. He worked for the Department of Political Theory and History of Ideas at the Freie Universität in Berlin. He has also worked in journalism, and freelanced as an editor and translator for

Taslima Nasrin

born in 1962 in Mymensingh, Bangladesh, is a writer, women’s rights activist and former physician. Nasrin gained notoriety for her novel »Lajja« (1993; Eng. »Shame«), which sold 60,000 copies in the first five months of its release. Owing to her feminist views on women’s rights and strong criticism of Islam,

Tania James

Tania James is the author of »Atlas of Unknowns« (2009) a trans-national novel set between India and the United States, and concerning two sisters whose relationship is put to the test by a lie. Her second book, »Aerogrammes and Other Stories« (2012), contains a range of characters, including a turn-of-the-century

Tania Al Kayyali

born in 1985. Since 2013, she has worked as a graphic designer, illustrator and translator in Serbia, Syria and the UAE for »Refugee and Migrant Crisis in Europe«. As a visual artist her focus is on illustration, having recently drawn a number of children’s books in addition to exhibiting her