Queer & Trans Times: Collectivities in Poetry

Erased pasts, a precarious present, and unimaginable futures remain the shared experience of many queer and trans people today. This reality is captured in Zsuka Nagy’s transmedial lyric in Łęko Zygmuntówne’s poetic laboratory, and in Sergei Davydov’s powerful blending of verses and prose. In deploying queer and trans times within current Hungarian, Polish, and Russian political contexts, respectively, their poetry subverts normativity in its various forms.

With Sergei Davydov, Łęko Zygmuntówne, Zsuka Nagy

Moderated by Toby Ashraf

The event will be held in German with contributions in various languages.

Translated by Alexander Filyuta and Christina Kunze

In cooperation with the Cluster of Excellence »Temporal Communities: Doing Literature in a Global Perspective« at Freie Universität Berlin.


We sell our tickets via the Berliner Festspiele website.

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