Poetry Night

Polyphonic, dazzling linguistic art with some of the most important poetic voices of the present day can be experienced at Poetry Night. Uyghur, Russian, British, and Nigerian poets will read in their own languages. Alternating with the authors, actors will perform the German texts, some of which have been translated exclusively for the festival.

Tahir Hamut Izgil’s poems are haunted by hungry ghosts and are about phone calls that make the heart beat faster. In »Holy Winter«, Maria Stepanovas lyrical self speaks sensitively about war, exile, and banishment. Hannah Sullivan tells of motherhood and the death of her father with unsparing honesty and finds vivid images for an urban attitude to life in »You, Very Young in New York«. In »Mental Vodoo«, Logan February circles around physical desires and stands »beyond the matted 21st century / With both feet firmly planted in prehistoric Africa«.

With Logan February, Tahir Hamut Izgil, Maria Stepanova, Hannah Sullivan

Hosted by Karolina Golimowska.

The following people read: Christian Filips, Marcel Kohler, Mira Tscherne

The conversation is held in English with readings in various languages, including German.

Joshua Freeman will translate from Uyghur to English for Tahir Hamut Izgil.


We sell our tickets via the Berliner Festspiele website.

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