24th ilb
5 – 14 Sep 2024 Program
9 – 18 Sep 2024 Young Program

Kim Hye-Jin: Concerning My Daughter

Portrait Kim Hye-jin
Kim Hye-jin [© Minumsa]

Green’s mother wants nothing more for her daughter than a man with whom she can start a family. However, Green is living with a woman. When she is forced to move back in with her mother for financial reasons, there is no way around the confrontation. Stubborn adherence to traditions on the one hand, unconditional desire for self-determination on the other: »Kim Hye-jin is a stylistically brilliant chronicler of Korean contradictions« [FAZ].

Moderation: Toby Ashraf
Speaker: Lisa Flachmeyer
Interpreter: Madeleine Heuer
Language: Korean, German