ilb und parataxe presentation

In which languages does Berlin write? – In November, ilb and Parataxe move to the literary heart of East Berlin: Weißensee. Three voices from the Polish-German literary scene in Berlin will be on stage. The poetry and prose of ariel rosé, Karolina Golimowska and Matthias Nawrat draws on European history. It is about the power of memory, about the search for a home, about clockworks that sometimes tick too loudly and sometimes even run backwards and about how it feels when it is late in the year. The evening, moderated by Matthias Nawrat, will be held in German, Polish and English – with translations.

The event takes place at C*Space (Langhansstraße 86, 13086 Berlin).


We sell our tickets via the Berliner Festspiele website.

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