Ranger Annie frees a fox from a trap and bandages its damaged leg. Even after the fox recovers, it won’t leave her side. One day Annie is attacked by a bear. The fox risks his life to drive away the much larger animal. The collage-like picture book, illustrated mainly in shades of brown and blue, tells the touching story of an unequal friendship.
The events are part of the ilb special »Spotlight Canada« and take place as part of Canada’s Guest of Honor appearance at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2020/2021.
MI 08 09 21 | 08:00 | online auf https://www.youtube.com/user/festivalberlin | Kl. 1–3 | Gespräch, Lesung & Live-Illustration | Englisch ohne Übersetzung | Gast/ Guest Nancy Vo | Moderation Philip Geisler

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