The Magic Buffalo

Malaysia, lives Sansarinaga. Unfortunately, the boy’s family does not own a buffalo. And so Sansarinaga is always left alone when the neighbouring children ride exuberantly on their animals. But then the boy has an idea that changes everything. This picture book about friendship, loneliness, and childlike inventiveness is an »expressive firework of colours« [Borromeo Association]. The events are part of the ilb special »Echo. Echo. Indigenous Voices« and take place in cooperation with the Cluster of Excellence »Temporal Communities: Doing Literature in a Global Perspective«.

MO 06 09 21 – FR 10 09 21 | 09:00–13:30 | die gelbe Villa | Kl. 1–2 | Fünftägiger Theater-, Näh- und Kunst-Workshop/ Digitale Abschlussbegegnung mit Jainal Amambing | Deutsch | Leitung/ Facilitator Sylvia Moss, Yasemin Kummer, Barbara S. Trost | Eintritt frei, Anmeldung erforderlich | 0601


Monday, 2021-09-06