The House By The Lake (Tue)

In 1927, a Jewish doctor built a summer house for himself and his family on the Groß Glienicker lake. In colourful, unique pictures, the book presents major historical events up to the present day in a child-friendly way, based on the ninety-year history of the house. The focus is on the happiness in life that various families found time and again in the idyllically situated house. »What a work of art!« [Deutschlandfunk Kultur].

DI 14 09 21 | 09:00 | silent green – Kuppelhalle | Kl. 2–4 | Gespräch & Lesung | Deutsch | Gast/ Guest Thomas Harding | Moderation Philip Geisler | Sprecher/ Speaker Matondo Castlo | 1402


Tuesday, 2021-09-14