Syden Workshop

Although Ina claimed at school that she was headed south, her summer vacation has to be cancelled because her mother has no money. So, Ina is now hiding at home. When her classmate Vilmer discovers her, the summer takes an unexpected turn. This book, nominated for the German Children’s Literature Award 2021, is a »little piece of art« [DIE ZEIT] that sensitively talks about poverty and exclusion, but also about friendship.

MI 08 09 21 | 09:00–14:30 | Schule der teilnehmenden Klasse | Kl. 6–7 | Theaterpädagogischer Workshop/ Abschlussbegegnung mit Marianne Kaurin | Deutsch | Leitung/ Facilitator Vera Hüller, Claudia Maria Franck | pro Person 6€ | 0804


Wednesday, 2021-09-08