Postsoviet Cosmopolis – Speaking in Many Tongues: Translingual Poetry. With Semyon Hanin and Eugene Ostashevsky

Post-Soviet poetry is created in many languages. What do polyphonic aesthetics stand for? How complicated can a relationship between language and identity get? As a Russian-speaking poet in Latvia, and a founding member of the bilingual poetry-performance group Orbita, Semyon Hanin works with Russian as a language without a country. As an English-speaking poet in New York (and also Berlin), Eugene Ostashevsky draws on twentieth-century avant-garde poetics to foreignize American English. The evening will consist of a multimedia performance followed by a discussion.

Language: English

A cooperation with the Cluster of Excellence »Temporal Communities: Doing Literature in a Global Perspective« at Freie Universität Berlin


Sunday, 2022-09-11