Nine Nasty Words – English In The Gutter – Then, Now, And Forever

Why do people use swear words? And why do they love certain swear words so particularly? In his book, John McWhorter, one of the most important linguists of our time, uses a »deeply intelligent celebration of language« [The New York Times] to show what happens in our brains when we swear. He compellingly explains how the meaning and impact of various English swear words evolved both politically and historically.

Elnathan John will be live on stage, John McWhorter will participate via live-stream.

FR 10 09 21 | 13:00 | silent green – Betonhalle | Kl. 10–12 | Digitales Gespräch und digitale Lesung | Englisch ohne Übersetzung | Gast/ Guest John McWhorter (live zugeschaltet aus New York) | Moderation Elnathan John (live vor Ort im silent green) | Vorprogramm: Paolo Tullio – Der letzte Wähler (live vor Ort im silent green) | 1004


Thursday, 2021-09-09