l´illa de paidonèsia

Nicolas can’t stand another second with his parents, who do nothing but argue during their Caribbean vacation. He secretly leaves the cruise ship and rows to an uninhabited island. There, the state of Paidonesia is founded – with Nicolas as president! The »madcap adventure« [DIE ZEIT] is a novel based on letters and e-mails that entertainingly tells of childlike inventiveness and the utopia of a country without adults.

The events are part of the ilb special »Focus on Spain«.

MO 13 09 21 – FR 17 09 21 | 08:00–13:00 | Allegro-Grundschule & Pumpe Berlin | Kl. 1–6 | Fünftägige Schulprojektwoche/ zum Abschluss Ausstellungsführung, Lesungen & Theateraufführung mit Oriol Canosa | Deutsch | Leitung/ Facilitator Lehrer*innenkollegium der Allegro-Grundschule | kein Ticketverkauf


Monday, 2021-09-13