les riches heures de jacominus gainsborough, workshop (thu)

Jacominus Gainsborough is a white rabbit whose entire life from birth to death is the focus of this book. Poetic language and richly detailed double-page illustrations describe the exciting stages of the rabbit’s fictional life. The book artwork is »as colourful and beautiful and sad as life« [Der Tagesspiegel] and was awarded the German-French Youth Literature Prize.

DO 09 09 21 | 09:00–14:30 | Jugendtheateretage | Kl. 3–4 | Erzähl- und Theater-Workshop/ Abschlussbegegnung mit Rébecca Dautremer | Deutsch | Leitung/ Facilitator Naemi Schmidt-Lauber, Sven Tjaben | In Kooperation mit Kunsthaus e. V. | pro Person 6€ | 0903


Thursday, 2021-09-09