E. B. White: Charlotte’s Web – A Retrospective

The piglet Wilbur was bottle-fed by eight-year-old Fern. He now lives on a farm with Charlotte the spider and other animals.  But  the  bucolic  fantasy  is  put  in  danger  when Wilbur  learns  that  he  is  to  be slaughtered.  A  work  of art that is »just about perfect« [The New York Times], the book has sold 45 million copies and continues to strike a chord today with its touching account of a special friendship.

DO 16 09 21 | 09:00 | silent green – Lounge | Kl. 2–4 | Vortrag & Lesung/ Deutsch| Moderation Ada Bieber | Sprecherin Dorothee Krüger | 1603


Thursday, 2021-09-16