Daqui Ninguém Passa!, Workshop

A general determines that no one is allowed to enter the right side of the book. So, more and more people gather on the left side of the book. But when a boy accidentally kicks his ball to the right, the flood gates open. This hilarious felt-tip comic about state borders and the human desire for freedom is an »homage to the printed book« [DIE ZEIT] and was awarded the German Children’s Literature Award.

DI 14 09 21 | 09:00–14:30 | Atze Musiktheater/ Kl. 1–3 | Musiktheater-Workshop | Abschlussbegegnung mit Bernardo P. Carvalho | Deutsch | Leitung/ Facilitator Jelka Habert | pro Person 6€ | 1404


Tuesday, 2021-09-14