A Short Story, 5-day Workshop

While the world’s population is growing rapidly, the diversity of flora and fauna is dwindling. We cannot ignore the consequences of climate change, neither locally nor globally. But how must we live today in order to have a future tomorrow? These and other bioeconomic questions are addressed by Bibi Dumon Tak in a short story written exclusively for the ilb, which was only completed after the editorial deadline.

The events are part of the ilb special »Visions of the Bioeconomy« and take place as part of the 2020/21 Science Year on the bioeconomy.

MO 13 09 21 – FR 17 09 21 | 09:00–13:00 | die gelbe Villa | 4. Klasse | Theater, Näh- und Weltrettungs-Workshop/ Abschlussbegegnung mit Bibi Dumon Tak | Deutsch | Leitung/ Facilitator Sylvia Moss, Yasemin Kummer, Gerhard Brücker | Eintritt frei, Anmeldung erforderlich | 1304


Monday, 2021-09-13