20. FamilienFest International

Talks & readings, hands-on activities, culinary catering

At the 20th FamilienFest International, the authors and illustrators Laura Carlin, Hassan Zahreddine, Paula Carballeira und Sabine Rufener will present their latest picture books and as premieres. In addition, the event will include a vibrant program – and snacks will also be provided. An event of the ilb, the gelbe Villa, and the JugendKulturService.

Talks and readings
12:00 / Laura Carlin – »The Promise« & »King of the Sky«
13:00 / Hassan Zahreddine – »ZIN«
14:00 / Paula Carballeira – »O Princípio«
15:00 / Sabine Rufener – »Der Wal im Garten«
Presenter: Josefine Liesfeld
Speaker: Dorothee Krüger

Admission free, registration not required


Sunday, 2022-09-11