Echo. Echo: Magical Echos

11. – 13.09.2023
Haus der Berliner Festspiele


Echo. Echo Echo is a series of events planned for several years in cooperation with the Cluster of Excellence »Temporal Communities: Doing Literature in a Global Perspective«, in which literature is understood as a multi-voiced, diverse echo chamber.

Which voices – apart from the voice of the author – are heard in a poem, a novel, a text fragment? Which echoes, written traditions, and narratives reverberate through the works in question?

The project’s approach starts from highly determined literary works, from prior, forgotten, remembered, contradictory, co-speaking, and, not least, latent voices. Playing between repetition and variance, literature is perceived as intertwining the most diverse cultures and temporalities in the polyphonic and sometimes resistant echo.

Through readings and discussions, the series explores the resonance between literature of the past and contemporary literature and examines the echoes present in the text with the authors themselves.

Echo. Echo events