Confessions and dog ears – ckecked in with Kristina Sigunsdotter

Kristina Sigunsdotter [© Johan Agorelius]
Kristina Sigunsdotter [© Johan Agorelius]

We introduce the authors of the 22nd ilb – with questions about writing, reading and unfinished reading.

Confession time: Which major classic have you started… but not finished?
Orlando [Virginia Woolf]

The age-old question: hardback or paperback? And why?
Hardback for kids, paperback for grown ups!

The essential question: bookmarks or dog ears?
Dog ears!

Which book is on your nightstand just now?
I just moved in to a new house so I don’t have a nightstand just yet. But the first book to read in the new bedroom will be »Performance« by Kajsa Grytt.

Which is your favorite book store in the whole world?
»Bokslukaren«, a must-visit magic kids’ book store in Stockholm.

Who was your greatest discovery of the year so far? And why?
Vigdis Hjorth, for the heart and humanism.

If you were allowed to read only one book for the rest of your life, what would it be?
»The Flower Gardener’s Bible« by Lewis and Nancy Hill.

Where do you prefer to write, and why?
In the little studio I have in my new garden.

Do you read your own books after they’ve been published?
I read them to my kids, and I always listen to the audiobooks. It always feels so strange to listen to someone else reading my words, how the reader makes the text their own.

We look forward to welcoming Kristina Sigunsdotter to this years’ international literature festival berlin in September. The events in connection with her book »Humlan Hanssons hemligheter« are part of the section International Children’s and Young Adult Literature.