Canceled: “Oh Boy! On New Masculinities[en]”

20230818-Absage Oh Boy

Dear audience of the 23rd international literature festival berlin,

the event »Oh Boy! On New Masculinities«[en] unfortunately must be cancelled. Valentin Moritz, co-editor of the anthology »OH BOY. Männlichkeit*en heute«, addresses his own sexually assaultive behavior in his publication in this book. Thanks to the Berlin initiative »Keine Show für Täter« (»No Show for Perpetrators«), it has come to our attention that this was done against the explicit will of the affected person. For this reason, the ilb team and the festival management, in consultation with the Kanon publisher as well as the moderator, decided not to let the event take place in the planned format. Currently we are trying to make an alternative event possible that, with the consent of the affected person, does justice to their perspective and engages with the topic. Further information will follow shortly.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at or 030 27 87 86 80/ -42.

Thank you for your understanding.

As of: 18.08.2023 12:18