Book Premiere of Salman Rushdie’s Memoir on May 16, 2024, at Deutsches Theater Berlin

Salman Rushdie Premiere Knife
© Penguin Random House

German Book Premiere as part of the international literature festival berlin

For the first time and in impressive detail, Salman Rushdie recounts the traumatic events of the assassination attempt on August 12, 2022, in his memoir »Knife. Meditations After an Attempted Murder«. The result is a captivating account that reflects the exceptional author’s survival of the knife attack, thirty years after the fatwa was issued. Many years of close ties between the acclaimed author and the international literature festival berlin have made it possible to stage the first and only public event in Germany. Salman Rushdie will talk about the attack with Marie Kaiser and Thomas Böhm (radioeins / rbb). Accompanied by a reading of Bernhard Robben’s German translation of the book by Ulrich Matthes, a member of the Deutsches Theater ensemble, the evening will be a memorable literary experience.

»Salman Rushdie has a long-standing relationship with the international literature festival berlin: The author was a guest at the ilb in 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, and most recently, live on air, in 2023. After the attack on August 12, 2022, the festival called for solidarity readings of his complete work, in which renowned international writers took part. Welcoming Salman Rushdie to Berlin this year with his book, which can be read as a vigil for freedom of expression, is a literary highlight of the year. I would like to thank all the cooperation partners who have made this premiere possible, especially Penguin Random House, Deutsches Theater Berlin, Das Blaue Sofa, and Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels – and radioeins / rbb and radio3 for the live broadcast.« – Festival Director Lavinia Frey

All information about the event at a glance:

German Book Premiere »Knife. Gedanken nach einem Mordversuch«
May 16, 2024
7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Deutsches Theater Berlin, Schumannstraße 13A, 10117 Berlin

The event will be held in German and English.

Tickets are available through the web shop at Deutsches Theater at € 28 and € 22, € 9 reduced fare.

We ask for your understanding that due to the increased security requirements, there will be a bag and identity check and your personal data will be collected when purchasing tickets and requesting accreditation.
Admission starts at 6 p.m. We kindly ask you to take your seats by 6:45 p.m. due to the live broadcast.

An event of the international literature festival berlin in cooperation with:
Deutsches Theater Berlin, Penguin Verlag, Das Blaue Sofa, Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels
The event will be broadcast live by radioeins / rbb and radio3.
Main sponsor: Hauptstadtkulturfonds
With the kind support of: Berthold Leibinger Stiftung, Fondation Jan Michalski