Yanis Varoufakis
- Greece
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2016
born in 1961 in Athens, Greece, he obtained an MSc in mathematical economics and statistics and a PhD in economics in 1987, and has had many international teaching appointments. From January to July 2015, Varoufakis was Greece’s minister of finance, and in 2016 he co-founded the Democracy in Europe 2025 movement (DiEM25). Among others, he published »Time for Change. Wie ich meiner Tochter die Wirtschaft erkläre« (2015; tr. Time for change. Talking to my daughter about economics).
Der globale Minotaurus
Amerika und die Zukunft der Weltwirtschaft
München, 2012
[Ü: Ursel Schäfer]
Time for Change
München, 2015
[Ü: Birgit Hildebrand]
Das Euro-Paradox
Wie eine andere Geldpolitik Europa wieder zusammenführen kann
München, 2016
(Ü: Ursel Schäfer)