Ulrich Schreiber
Ulrich Schreiber was born in Solingen in 1951. He studied philosophy, political science as well as Russian at the Freie Universität zu Berlin and passed the second state examination in 1984. In 1989, he founded the International Peter Weiss Society, in 2001 the international literature festival berlin (ilb), which he directed until 2023. With the program focus »Europe Now«, in 2012 ilb united literary and political discourses and published an anthology that should serve as a »Literary Parachute«. Schreiber ist member of PEN Germany and co-initiator of the PEN World Voices Festival. Together with the Bernese cultural manager Hans Ruprecht, Ulrich Schreiber is the founder of the Odessa International Literature Festival, which was held in Ukraine for the first time in 2015. He lives in Berlin.
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