Thomas Frank
Thomas Frank was born in Kansas City, Missouri, in 1965. The American journalist and author earned his doctorate in History and has written for »Harper’s Magazine« and other journals. Frank’s work focuses on the »Culture War« and the relationship of culture and politics in the USA. He is the founder and editor of the left-wing magazine »The Baffler«. With his book »What’s the Matter with Kansas?« (2005) he gained international recognition. Thomas Frank lives near Washington, D. C.
Was ist mit Kansas los?
Wie die Konservativen das Herz von Amerika erobern
Berlin Verlag
Berlin, 2005
[Ü: Friedrich Griese]
The Wrecking Crew
How Conservatives Rule
Metropolitan Books
New York, 2008
Arme Milliardäre!
Der große Bluff oder Wie die amerikanische Rechte aus der Krise Kapital schlägt
München, September 2012
[Ü: Thomas Wollermann]