Susanne Scharnowski
- Germany
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2018
born 1960 in Berlin; after her studies in German and English literature, she taught German language, literature and culture as a DAAD lecturer in Britain, Taiwan, and Australia. Since 2003, she has been teaching German cultural history at FU Berlin. Her current research focuses on the notion of »Heimat«, nature and the countryside in film and literature. Her book on the cultural history of Heimat will be published by Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft in spring 2019.
Die Wiederkehr des Ästhetischen in der Rede über Natur und Umwelt
In: Kulturökologie und Literaturdidaktik
[Hg. Berbeli Wanning u. Sieglinde Grimm]
V&R unipress
Göttingen, 2015
English Countryside, German Heimat
In: Literatur und Ökologie
[Hg. Claudia Solte-Gresser u. Claudia Schmitt]
Bielefeld, 2017
Vegetable Gardening between the Private and the Political, Past and Present, Space and Place in Richard Laxton’s Grow Your Own
In: Enchanted, Stereotyped, Civilized
[Hg. Sabine Planka u. Feryal Cubukcu]
Königshausen & Neumann
Würzburg, 2018