Stefan Weidner
- Germany
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2009, 2018, 2019, 2020
born in 1967 in Cologne, is an author and translator. Until 2016, he was editor-in-chief of the »Art&Thought« magazine for dialogue with the Islamic world. His most recent non-fiction book »1001 Buch« (2019; tr: 1001 Books) sheds light on »the complexity of the Islamic-influenced literary, linguistic, and cultural realm« (SRW2). He received the Clemens-Brentano, the Johann-Heinrich-Voß and the Paul Scherbart Award and is a member of the German Academy for Language and Poetry.
Watch Stefan Weidner at the 20th ilb on our YouTube-Channel:
Mohammedanische Versuchungen
Frankfurt a. M., 2008
Jenseits des Westens
Für ein neues kosmopolitisches Denken
München, 2018
1001 Buch
Die Literaturen des Orients
Edition Converso
Bad Herrenalb, 2019