Sam Zamrik
- Germany, Syria
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2023
Sam Zamrik Zamrik is a poet, musician, translator and political educator who was born 1996 and raised in Damascus, Syria. They deep interest in literature and politics led him to undertake formal education in English Literature at Damascus University. Subsequently, they moved to Berlin to complete a Bachelor’s in Humanities, the Arts, and Social Thought at Bard College, during which they presented a compelling thesis, »The Politics of a Rogue State: An Analysis of Assadist National Occupation«. They attended studies in Interdisciplinary Studies of the Middle East at Freie Universität Berlin. Their journey from the Middle East to Europe reflects a constant theme in his work, emphasizing identity, exile, and transculturalism.
Zamrik’s debut poetry collection, »Ich bin nicht« (2022; tr: I am not), is a poignant exploration of the exile experience. The collection offers a complex narrative of longing and resilience, employing both colloquial phrases and neologisms to capture the nuanced realities of the exilic condition. Critics such as Thomas B. Schumann have praised the work’s innovative and »intense exploration of identity in exile, masterfully expressed through a rich, dialogue-heavy poetic voice.«
Besides their poetic pursuits, Zamrik’s extensive body of work includes critical political articles, such as »Keine Handelsware« (tr: Not a Commodity), and »Die Sorgen eines Flüchtlings« (tr: The Worries of a Refugee), both incisive examinations of contemporary global issues, published in leading German periodicals. Additionally, they is also an esteemed co-author of »Neue Lieder von der Erde« (tr: New Songs of the Earth), a theatrical piece based on Gustav Mahler’s work. They worked as a band manager and lyricist within the New Wave of Syrian Metal underground music movement. Individual texts were published by the »WIR MACHEN DAS« initiative and in various German newspapers such as »taz« and »Tagesspiegel«.
Zamrik’s contributions to literature and the arts have been widely recognized. They is the inaugural recipient of the Wunderblock Award for Artistic Distinguishment from the Wunderblock Foundation. They was also honored as a Junior Fellow at the Stiftung Mercator and received a Junior Communications Fellowship. As a member of PEN Berlin, they continues to uphold the freedom of writers and intellectuals across the globe.
Furthermore, their commitment to fostering literary appreciation and developing future talents is evidenced through his engagement in various workshops and seminars. Notably, they conducted the first and only poetry workshop at Damascus University, thereby promoting the art of poetry in a region often underrepresented in global literary discussions.
Zamrik lives in Berlin, Germany.
Ich bin nicht
Hanser Berlin Verlag
Berlin, 2022
[Ü: Heike Geißler, Sylvia Geist, Björn Kuhligk, Monika Rinck, Ulf Stolterfoht]