Said Etris Hashemi
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2024
Said Etris Hashemi, born in Hanau in 1996, is an author and son of Afghan refugees. His autobiographical book »Der Tag, an dem ich sterben sollte. Wie der Terror in Hanau mein Leben für immer verändert hat« (tr: The Day I Was Supposed to Die: How the Terror in Hanau Changed My Life Forever). On February 19, 2020, Hashemi was the victim of the right-wing extremist terrorist attack in Hanau, in which his younger brother Said Nesar and other people died. Hashemi narrowly survived and has been campaigning against racism, discrimination, and for more justice in Germany ever since. He lives and works in Hanau.
Der Tag, an dem ich sterben sollte.
Wie der Terror in Hanau mein Leben für immer verändert hat
Hoffmann und Campe
Hamburg, 2034