Ricardo Romero
- Argentina
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2023
Ricardo Romero, born in 1976 in Paraná, Entre Ríos, Argentina, completed his studies in Modern Literature at the National University of Córdoba. In 2002, he moved to Buenos Aires,
where he became a significant figure in the literary community, notably serving as director of the literary magazine Oliverio from 2003 to 2006. Romero’s works span multiple genres, often showcasing an innovative narrative style with vivid dialogues, encapsulating colloquial phrases and neologisms. His debut work, a novel titled »Ninguna parte« (2003; tr: Nowhere), paved the way for a series of critically acclaimed novels including »El síndrome de Rasputín« (2008; tr: The Rasputin Syndrome), »Los bailarines del fin del mundo« (2009; tr: The dancers of the end of the world), and »Perros de la lluvia« (2011; tr:
Rain Dogs). Notably, his novel »Yo soy el invierno« (tr: I am Winter) received the First Prize of the Fondo Nacional de las Artes in 2017. His most recent work, »Big Rip« (2021), is yet another testimony to his literary prowess. Romero has also made significant contributions to the publishing world. He served as an editor for »Gárgola Ediciones« and »Aquilina Ediciones/Negro Absoluto«, and as an educator at the National University of the Arts. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, he has conducted numerous courses at the National Library. Currently, Romero expands his creative boundaries as a freelance editor and scriptwriter. Romero’s works have transcended linguistic barriers and have been translated into multiple languages including English, Portuguese, Turkish, Arabic, French, and Italian.
The author lives in Buenos Aires.
Ninguna parte
Gárgola Ediciones
Buenos Aires, 2003
Perros de la lluvia
Editorial Norma
Buenos Aires, 2011
Historia de Roque Rey
Eterna Cadencia Editora
Buenos Aires, 2014
La habitación del Presidente
Eterna Cadencia Editora
Buenos Aires, 2015
El conserje y la eternidad
Buenos Aires, 2017
Big Rip
Buenos Aires, 2021
Yo soy el invierno
Buenos Aires, 2023