Raffaele Cantone
- Italy
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2009
Raffaele Cantone was born in Naples in 1963 and grew up in Giugliano, a small village that was under the influence of the criminal organisation known as Camorra. Endowed with a strong »love of the law« (Roberto Saviana, LA REPUBBLICA), he studied law and eventually became the leading state attorney for the Anti-Mafia agency, a position he held from 1999 to 2007. The state attorney wrote an auto-biographical book about his time leading the fight against the Camorra. »Solo per giustizia«, (2008; dt. »Allein für die Gerechtigkeit«, 2009; t: For justice only) which became a best-seller in Italy.
Cantone lives in Naples.
© international literaturefestival berlin
Allein für die Gerechtigkeit
München, 2009
[Ü: Friederike Haussmann
und Rita Seuss]