Pepe Ribas
Pepe Ribas was born in 1952 in Barcelona, where he also studied law later. In 1974 he founded the independent journal “ajoblanco” (“white garlic”), one of the most influential cultural magazines in the Spanish-speaking world. It was a legendary publication in the times of the “transición”. Young democrats had to read »ajoblanco« for its reportages, debates, analyses, and portraits. Ribas remained at the helm of the journal until the year 2000. He is the president of the Fundación de Nuevo Periodismo Latinoamerico today. His books include “Los 70 a destajo” (2007) and the novel “Encuentro en Berlin” (2013). “Los 80 a destajo” will hit the market, soon. Ribas is currently working on an exhibition about “ajoblanco”, to be presented in Barcelona, Madrid, and Buenos Aires. He is living in Barcelona and the Ampurdán.