Paul Ginsborg
- Italy
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2003
Paul Ginsborg was born in London in 1945. He was a professor at Churchill College, Cambridge, and now holds a professorship for European history at the University of Florence. He is co-founder of the protest movement Laboratorio per la democrazia.
© international literature festival berlin
Daniele Manin and the Venetian Revolution of 1848 – 49
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge, 1979
A History of Contemporary Italy: Society and Politics 1943 – 1988
London, 1990
Italy and its Discontents: Family, Civil Society, State, 1980 – 2001
Allen Lane
London, 2001
Berlusconi: Politisches Modell der Zukunft oder italienischer Sonderweg?
Berlin, 2004
The Politics of Everyday Life: Making Choices, Changing Lives
Yale University Press
New Haven, London, 2005
Wie Demokratie leben
Berlin, 2008
[Ü: Friederike Hausmann]
Übersetzerin: Friederike Hausmann