Patrick Kingsley
Patrick Kingsley, born 1989, is an international correspondent for The New York Times, based in Berlin. He previously covered migration and the Middle East for The Guardian. He was named Foreign Affairs Journalist of the Year at the 2015 British Journalism Awards, and is the author of two books: »How To Be Danish,« an exploration of contemporary Danish culture, and “The New Odyssey,” a portrait of the European refugee crisis.
How to Be Danish
A Journey to the Cultural Heart of Denmark
Marble Arch Press
New York, 2012
Die neue Odyssee
Eine Geschichte der europäischen Flüchtlingskrise
C.H. Beck
München, 2016
[Ü: Hans Freundl u. Werner Roller]
How to Be Danish
A Journey to the Cultural Heart of Denmark
Marble Arch Press
New York, 2012
Die neue Odyssee
Eine Geschichte der europäischen Flüchtlingskrise
C.H. Beck
München, 2016
[Ü: Hans Freundl u. Werner Roller]