Neige Sinno
- France, Mexico
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2024
Neige Sinno was born in 1977 in the Département Hautes-Alpes, France. She studied American literature and made her debut in 2007 with the short story collection »La vie des rats« (tr: The Life of Rats), which revolves around the themes of youth and loneliness.
Her debut novel »Le Camion« (2018; tr: The Truck) tells the story of a group of young adults in Marseille: in their childhood, Mathieu, Jérôme, Lola, Amanda, Pierre-Olivier, and Leila dreamed of conquering the world, but the reality is different. The truck that gives the novel its title, which was lent to them by a friend, is neither good nor fast. In the novel, it becomes a metaphor for their dreams of escape. Neige Sinno’s latest book »Triste Tigre« (2023; tr: Sad Tiger) became a bestseller in France and was awarded six literary prizes, including the Prix Femina and the Prix littéraire Le Monde. In this text of creative non-fiction, the author addresses a serious trauma: as a girl, she was sexually abused by her stepfather for years. When she and her mother later pressed charges, he was sent to prison. Without pathos, instead reflecting sensitively and intelligently, she deals with what is impossible to explain but can still be told – as a look at world literature and works on incest and rape shows. »An exploration of the power and powerlessness of literature«, according to the jury of the Premio Strega Europeo, which also honored the novel. In addition to her work as an author, Neige Sinno also works as a translator and literature lecturer.
After many years in Mexico, she now lives in the French Basque Country.
Status: July 2024
La vie des rats
La Tangente
Marseille, 2007
Lectores entre líneas: Roberto Bolaño, Ricardo Piglia y Sergio Pitol
México, 2011
Le camion
Christophe Lucquin Editeur
Paris, 2018
German Translation:
Trauriger Tiger
München, 2024
(Ü: Michaela Meßner)