Łęko Zygmuntówne
- Poland
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2024
Łęko Zygmuntówne (Łukasz Kaźmierczak, Łucja Kuttig), born 18 April 1990 in Poland, is a lyricist and chemist, graduated in engineering in nanotechnology, holds a PhD’s degree in Chemistry and a master’s degree in Applied Mathematics from the University of Technology in Łódź. Łęko Zygmuntówne’s literary style is significantly influenced by this scientific background. The first volume of poetic prose was published in 2018 under the title »Kokosty«, as the main prize in the J. Bierezin Poetry Competition. The texts verbalize observations and visions of a world in which the boundaries between the sexes, intimate and public life, own and foreign identity, consciousness and unconsciousness of one’s own existence are blurred. The content of the texts is reflected in the linguistic means, they meander, feature exotic terminology, move between science and social experience, and detect supposed similarities between phenomena.
The volume »Agresty« (2019; tr: Gooseberries) won the Klemens Janicki competition, which is prt of the Poznań Poetry Festival. The volume »Orzechnia. Orzechnini – Orzechnica – Orzechniczka« (2021; tr: Walnut Nutcrackers), published thanks to support from the Adam Włodek Prize, turns to the obsession of inventorying, as a record and transformation of personal everyday life. In the latest volume, »Hiobby« (2023; tr: HiobBy), Łęko Zygmuntówne turns to the themes of identity, nutrition, the discovery of language, and sexuality.
Further publications of Łęko Zygmuntówne’s works can be found in magazines (e.g. »Zadra«, »Silne«), zines (e.g. »Poczytałosie«, »Queerowe ekologie«) and anthologies (most recently »X-Philes archiwum queerowej poezji«, »Równo z prawej. Antologia polskiego poematu prozą«, and »Dezorientacje. Antologia polskiej literatury queer«), they have been translated into English, Bulgarian and Slovakian.
Status: July 2024
[Ill.: Marta Motyl]
Dom Literatury w Łodzi, Stowarzyszenie Pisarzy Polskich Oddział w Łodzi
Łódź, 2018
Wydawnictwo Wojewódzkiej Biblioteki Publicznej i Centrum Animacji Kultury w Poznaniu
Poznań, 2019
Orzechnia. Orzechnini – Orzechnica – Orzechniczka
[Ill.: Joanna Łańcucka]
Wydawnictwo Wojewódzkiej Biblioteki Publicznej i Centrum Animacji Kultury w Poznaniu
Poznań, 2021
[Ill.: Piotr Bosacki]
Stowarzyszenie Pisarzy Polskich Oddział w Łodzi, Dom Literatury w Łodzi
Łódź, 2023