Janka Oertel
Janka Oertel, born in 1983 in Kiel, holds a PhD in Political Science and is a Sinologist. As a Senior Policy Fellow and Director of the Asia Program at the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), she focuses on China’s foreign and economic policy. Her research primarily explores the multifaceted relationships between Europe and China. She has testified before the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the German Bundestag. In August 2023, she published her book »End of the China Illusion: How We Must Deal with Beijing’s Power Ambitions,« in which she argues that China can no longer be viewed merely as a regional issue but as a global concern and a societal challenge. Status: August 2024
China and the United Nations. Chinese UN Policy in the Areas of Peace and Development in the Era of Hu Jintao
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft
Baden-Baden 2014
Ende der China-Illusion: Wie wir mit Pekings Machtanspruch umgehen müssen
Piper Verlag
Munich 2023