Grit Schuster
- Germany
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2014
Grit Schuster, freelance interaction designer, software developer and video artist in Berlin, has been involved in developing computer games and children’s software since 2004 and designs video contents and interaction technology in theatre productions. She worked as a programmer on the iOS products »Schlaf gut« (tr. Sleep well) and »Kleiner Fuchs Kinderlieder« (tr. Little fox children’s songs), as a game designer and art director on »The Great Jitters: Pudding Panic« and also worked on the theatre productions »Black Tie« and »Qualitätskontrolle« (tr. Quality control).
Schlaf Gut
Gute Nacht Geschichte für Kinder (App)
Fox and Sheep, 2013
The Great Jitters
Pudding Panic (App)
kunst-stoff, 2013
Rimini Protokoll
Uraufführung: 7. Juni 2013
Spielstätte Nord, Stuttgart