Georg Klein
- Germany
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2012, 2013, 2014
Georg Klein was born in Augsburg in 1953. Beginning in 1984, the first stories by the author began to appear in German literary magazines.
In 1998 he finally found a publisher for his fantastic novel »Libidissi« in which he plays with elements of spy thriller and Orient novel. The book was well-received by critics, honoured with the Brothers Grimm Prize and translated into various languages. Subsequent works by Georg Klein have also won awards, met with critical acclaim and been translated into foreign languages. In the detective story »Barbar Rosa« (2001), he furiously tests »the boundaries of what is conventional and allowed« (»Die Zeit«). In his novel »Die Sonne scheint uns« (2004; tr. »The Sun Appears to Shine«) the remains of a museum become vehicles of a »magical history tour«. through German history. In »Sünde Güte Blitz« (2007; tr. »Sin Goodness Blitz«) he tackles the mania for progress and takes aim at the demystification of the world through science in a fairytale-like fashion. In his successful work »Roman unserer Kindheit« (2010; tr. »Novel of our Childhood«), Klein sketches a childhood in the early 1960s in which the war period intrudes into the narrative in fantastical ways. With his language, the author demonstrates a thoroughgoing ironic sharpness of formulation, while in the content of his works he likes to confront his heroes with fantastical-futuristic abysses. 2013 he published his latest novel »Die Zukunft des Mars« (2013; tr. »The Future of Mars«). Between his novels Klein publishes collections of stories such as »Anrufung des Blinden Fisches« (1999; tr. »Invocation of the Blind Fish«), »Von den Deutschen« (2002; tr. »Of the Germans«) and »Die Logik der Süße« (2010; tr »The Logic of Sweetness«). In addition, with »Schund und Segen« (2013; tr. »Trash and Blessing«), Klein presented a selection of journalistic texts.
Georg Klein has been honoured with various literary prizes for his prose works, like Ingeborg Bachmann Prize, Leipzig Book Fair Award and the Lower Saxony State Prize. Georg Klein lives with his family at the East Frisian Dollart, in the countryside.
Berlin, 1998
Barbar Rosa
Eine Detektivgeschichte
Berlin, 2001
Sünde Güte Blitz
Reinbek, 2007
Roman unserer Kindheit
Reinbek, 2010
Die Zukunft des Mars
Reinbek, 2013